
The Myth Of Perfection

perfection |pərˈfek sh ən|nounthe condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects 

Thankfully the Patriots lost last night, or a travesty of human thought could have prevailed.  That being the myth of a "perfect" season or team.  Let's say that a team did go 19-0 in football.  Is this perfect?  Absolutely not.  

Regardless of the offensive performance of Brady and Moss (new records being set and an overall dominant performance) the defense could definitely have been improved.  How do I know this?  For the first 18 games of the season, New England did not shut out anyone.  Perfection would be a team going 19-0 setting new records in every individual statistic (I didn't see any rushing records), shutting out every team every time, all season, NOT being caught red handed with a videotape of your opponents defensive signals, and lastly, making sure that you win the one big game at the end of the year, something we call the Super Bowl.

It's good for the country to not have a perfect team, to see that whatever you strive to get you always come up short.  Because in the real world, and that includes the sports world, perfection can never be attained.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NE is not the only team that does this. I wish they would have won the superbowl.

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