
Dangers of CFL's

Despite the small problem of them containing mercury, I am still a big fan of compact fluorescent light bulbs.  I think it is a no brainer to use them, as it could very well save you $20-$50 per month in electric bills.  If you don't have any installed now, try them out.  

They last each for well over a year and more than make up for their extra cost in longevity and efficiency.  I believe that the average bulb can save something like $50 over its lifetime.  

But do be careful if the bulb breaks and when it burns out do not throw it in the trash.  Click here for some tips on disposal.


Anonymous said...

Interesting. I like the bulbs anyway and will start using them. I didn't know there was Mercury. I usually like to break bulbs when they burn out but I guess I won't with these.

A Red Mind in a Blue State said...

Um, hey guys, nobody told me I was trading in my admittedly energy-wasting bulb for something that has more disposal instructions than a nuclear reactor.

I should have known something was up when Walmart started pushing them-- they're probably made with the toxins left over after the Chinese finish making our kids' toys.

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