
The Ugly America

While sitting down eating Easter dinner, I was privy to the ugly side of America.  As I was eating, not talking politics (as I normally do) two white men in their 40s were talking about Obama.  

They both said something to the effect of "I hope that Obama wins so I can see the first president assassinated in a long time."  

This is some of the ugliest type of language I have heard in a long time.  I told both of these redneck assholes that I equate their language with treason and they they run counter to everything I love about America.  They did not like that too much, so I sit here now at my laptop instead of continuing dinner with such ignorant people.

It is one thing to say you oppose someone based on the issues, their personality, or other things.  But to wish the death of a candidate just because one of his parents was not white is not acceptable in my book.  Unfortunately both these people have children who they probably say the same things to, creating a new generation of white supremacists.  

Now i should issue a disclaimer that these two fucks are just stupid.  I doubt they'd ever hurt anyone, but to say this type of stuff with a straight face, or to say it at all, is not something that should be done.

Luckily, these types of viewpoints have become the minority viewpoint in America, but as long as there are a handful who share these views it's a problem.  It's not clear how you can change viewpoints like this, and I think a lot of it is resentment to minorities since these guys have shitty jobs.  They blame everyone but themselves for the fact that they don't make quite enough money for a good life.

Maybe low income white America isn't Obama county, maybe its not Hillary country, maybe its not even McCain country.  It may just very well be David Duke country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ignorant WASPS piss me off. These guys bow down to the almighty David Duke. If they were smart, they should have said this: Obama makes a shitty president and he'll fuck up this country. That would have been more reasonable and less treasonous.

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