
Bitter Americans? You bet.

Barack Obama is taking some heat today due to remarks that some small-town Americans are "bitter" and sometimes will only vote for a candidate based on one issue, be it guns, gay marriage, religion, etc.  

While I can't speak for all Americans, I can tell you that there are a lot of people in my former home state of Michigan who are very bitter.  Their economy is in the tank, and both democrats and republicans have caused their economy to tank.  

I try to not vote only on one issue, unless a candidate is a total loon when it comes to that issue.  I even disagreed with Ron Paul on a few issues yet I still supported him vehemently until he practically dropped out of the race.  

Below is the video where Obama explains the bitterness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess to some it's offensive but I didn't hear anything offensive. By the way, the Democrats screwed up MI.