
McCain is as trustworthy as Clinton

In this relatively critical article over at the WaPo, they note that hypocrisy that is John McCain.  Once opposed to the Bush tax cuts on the grounds that they only really benefited the ultra wealthy and were quite fiscally irresponsible, McCain has now said that making them permanent is a cornerstone to his economic policy.

Both of the democratic candidates favor raising taxes on those making over 250,000 per year.  

Whenever Hillary switches positions on an issue, pundits are quick to criticize her waffling.  But not with McCain.  He is seen as the Vietnam hero / grandpa / maverick who would never do anything wrong.  

I think we should start seeing him as he is: a cross between Bush and Cheney.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of people do see McCain as a trustworthy figure and a nice guy. That is why. Hilary is easier to rag on than John.

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