
We can't win

Today General Petraeus (also called Betray-US) said that the security situation in Iraq is "fragile" so we can't leave.  We were told last year that it was too violent to leave and now it is more peaceful but we still can't leave.  Like Senator Obama said today, we keep moving the goal post back and forth.  If they had world peace there, we would still find and excuse to stay there and continue to antagonize the Muslim world, which makes things bad for us and our allies like Israel.

How would anyone define victory in this war?  This situation is much different from WWII.  When that war ended, we signed a treaty with Germany, a country that had rational people that could be controlled.  The people in Iraq simply don't want us there.  There is no government to sign a peace accord with, since we set up their current, fundamentalist government.  We are fighting a guerilla war and the only way to stop people from attacking us there is to either leave or destroy the whole country.  Obviously the second choice is not something we'd want to do.  

Maybe victory is when all of our troops are safe at home.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This war was a bad idea so if the US Military still wants to fight, they'll have to destroy the whole country in order for it to be over. The smart decision is to just withdraw and let the country eventually destroy itself.

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