
Edwards endorses Obama

John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama today. His endorsement is one of the most coveted out of all democrats. Why? Because he was running as the backer of the "working class white voters" before Hillary Clinton seized on this demographic. In fact, Edwards got a non-trivial 7% of the vote in WV (he dropped out of the race in Feb but remained on the ballot).

With him standing behind Obama, he brings a consituency to the campaign that they probably don't even need to beat McCain, but it will help in certain states, such as NC, VA, OH, PA, and others.

Weeks ago it was expected that Edwards would endorse Clinton, but he knows a losing bet when he sees one. This pickup should also help Obama in Kentucky, which feels like an Edwards state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Edwards really may not make a difference too much. I've heard that a lot of people don't like him so it may not matter.