
Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Cinco de Mayo is truly an American holiday.  Before you go all Lou Dobb's on me, let me state my case.

The Cinco de Mayo celebration is largely an American invention.  It is only celebrated in one small state of Mexico, to mark the defeat of Spanish troops in battle.  It is not celebrated much anywhere else in the country.

Us gringos, however, have made it our own.  Everything from Corona's to churros to tequila flows today.  We dress up in stupid Mexican hats, use Spanish words, etc.  We have made that culture our own.  Which we probably should, since a sizable minority of Americans have Mexican heritage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised. Americans would rather go out and drink, than work. They take holidays like this and St. Patrick's day as an excuse to take off and drink.