
The new big tent?

Five Thirty Eight has an interesting article about how the Barr nomination will lead to the LP becoming the "de facto third party."  This would obviously provide some more choice to the country.  I've thought for some time that the LP was a bit too strict in some of its positions, not even allowing that there are those within their ranks that disagree on certain issues.  

For example, there are some (albeit a minority) of libertarians who are in favor of a government sponsored healthcare plan.  There are also those who are pro and anti immigration.  And abortion is one issue which consistently divides the party.  This is not a bad thing, for a party with disagreements shows a thriving political party.  Not every democratic is pro-choice and not every republican is in the pockets of big business.

By most measures the LP is the largest and most viable third party but it still has a way to go.  Bob Barr will not win this year: you heard it here first.  But I may see a Libertarian in the oval office in my lifetime.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure a Libertarian will win sometime. I agree that Bob Barr won't win either.