
Iraq wants us out

The prime minister of Iraq has officially asked for a US timetable for withdrawal of our troops, and specifically said that they do not want another Korea, in which we would build bases and remain there forever.  

Bush will likely ignore the request, meaning that we will be seen as occupying the country in which a new government that we helped secure power now wants us out.  This situation will only embolden radical elements and increase the likelihood of attacks on both the US and its allies.  

John McCain is also going to look a lot more like Bush, and a lot more likely to end up on the losing end of a landslide come the election.

One thing worth pointing out is that this issue could be McCain's first big flip-flop.  In 2004, he said that if an elected Iraqi government wanted us out, we could not stay.  Today he says that the president is just "being a politician" and that while they will look out for their interests "we will look out for ours."  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We definitely need to leave Iraq.