
McCain - Disgraced

John McCain used to be an honorable man, and I was foolish enough to think that with McCain and Obama running in the election that the overall tone of the campaigns would be honorable.  McCain's people (I'm not convinced that McCain even knows what country this is anymore) have taken this to a whole new level.  They have gone negative in their campaigning before the conventions.  This move shows clear desperation on their part.  Yesterday they compared Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears.  Now they are saying Obama opened up the race card by saying he is not like the president's on the dollar bills.  He has said the same thing for the past 6 months: "I've got a funny name, I don't look like the guys on the dollar bills."  This is not "playing the race card", it is a satire and an observation.  

McCain won't even debate real issues anymore.  All him and his campaign will do is talk about Obama, which means that Barack will dictate the issues that the campaigns discuss.  On issues such as the economy, Iraq, and foreign relations, this is an argument McCain will lose.

With McCain going negative this soon, the only thing we can expect from this is an Obama landslide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain has had some stupid ads and has screwed up a bit. I don't think McCain came up with these ads and he should probably stop these negative ads. I'd like to see if Obama will do the same thing McCain is doing once it gets even closer to election time.