
Shrinking Products - Who Cares?

There's a big fuss right now about product sizes.  I noticed the other day that the Edy's container looked a bit smaller than normal, but the price was still $2.50.  The old container was 1.75 quarts and it is now 1.5 quarts.  Many companies have started this type of downsizing to compensate for higher fuel costs without making consumers pay more.  

Why do I not care about this?  I usually do not use all of a product I buy, be it milk, eggs, or cheese.  It usually expires before I've eaten all of it.  We as Americans are used to these huge product sizes, and it shows, since we are likely the fattest society in the history of the world.  I think that reducing product size may actually be a positive thing.  

Several years ago, Morgan Spurlock single handedly got McDonald's to get rid of the Supersize with his movie, Supersize Me.  Now companies are getting rid of the Supersize for their own bottom line.  Regardless of the reason, less can be more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with big containers and super-sizing meals unless you don't eat/use everything. I like things packed in big containers but I'll buy smaller containers if I don't use a product that much. I guess I'm half-half on this issue.