
Enthusiasm vs. Indifference

The second biggest problem John McCain has, after money (compare a Porsche to a Kia), is the enthusiasm of Republicans vs. Democrats in this election.  

Nobody is excited about John McCain.  It's not hard to figure out why.  
  • Despite being a POW, he has a horrible record on veterans issues.  
  • One of his closest advisors said that "Hitler was doing God's work."  
  • Old people are just not that excitable or exciting.
  • He's not much of a family values candidate.
  • Mitt Romney won't help either if he's VP, lest we forget that Romney lost to McCain, and he's a mormon.  
So, now that we've outlined the reasons, let's look at the results.  13% of conservatives are happy with John McCain, compared to 50%+ of liberals being happy with Obama.

Even if McCain did have the money, he doesn't have the enthusiasm to get people to go out there knocking on doors.  Today I knocked on 75 doors and got a bunch of people excited about voting for Obama.  While I sit here with my aching feet, I know that we are that much closer to our 13 electoral votes going for the good guy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you on doing political work. John McCain may not be a hipster but I don't care. I want someone who makes sense and is honest.

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