
Mark Warner's Keynote

Mark Warner's keynote speech was fantastic. He is a completely moderate democrat, who was the governor of Virginia from 2001-2005. He gave a phenomenal speech, but I think that the best part was when he said (and this is paraphrasing):

the worst thing that Bush did was not tapping the resolve of the American people after 9/11. If he had told us after 9/11 that we need to stop using foreign oil that pays the terrorists salaries, by giving up most of our SUV's, carpooling, riding bicycles, and buying hybrids, we would be in a much better world now."

He is right. Gas would not be $4 a gallon due to decreased demand, and it wouldn't matter if it was since everyone would be in a hybrid or not need to buy gas. Bush told us to "go shopping" after 9/11 which only drained our pocketbooks and got us more SUV's and foreign oil.

Warner also told the audience that if we can send a job to Bangalore, we can send a job to rural Virginia (or Flint, MI as another of his examples). During his administration, many "on-shore off-shore" high tech jobs were created in rural Virginia.

One day, Mark Warner may be our president, but if we want to follow what he says and invest in science, the future, and our people, we cannot elect John McCain as president.

I will post the youtube soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark Warner is absolutely right. He is very smart and seems to make a great Governor and President.

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