
There's your justice

Osama's driver was just sentenced to 5 and a half years in jail.  Since he has been imprisoned in our illegal camp in GITMO, he is given credit for that.  He will be out in about 6 months.  This guy has a 4th grade education, and even our military tribunal did not think him to be especially dangerous.  He was likely a simple driver/bodyguard, and nothing more.  I doubt someone with a 4th grade education would be smart enough to come up with any type of insidious plan. 
So we locked people up, threw away the key, and when they go in front of our kangaroo court, even that court doesn't think that there is much evidence against them.  He was acquitted of many serious crimes by our military.  Keep in mind that in a military court, the jurors do not have to be unanimous, hearsay is allowed, and many other protections that are given to civilians are not available. 
All in all, I think that given the factors going into this, the result is not so bad.  However, these guys should have been tried 5 years ago.

Update: Now the government is claiming that since Hamdan is an "enemy combatant" he can be held indefinitely
So, the Supreme Court ruled we have to put these guys on a trial, so the government will put them on trial and then disregard the sentence imposed by a military jury?  When are we going to call the canard at GITMO what it is, a concentration camp.


Anonymous said...

First of all, this guy is just as guilty as the terrorists in Gitmo and as guilty as Osama Bin Laden. He just isn't an innocent driver/bodyguard. He knew stuff that was going on and who knows, maybe he could have fired a gun at our soldiers. I think he should be thrown in prison longer. A military court is as adequate as a criminal court.

In regards to your shitty comment about GITMO being a concentration camp, you're way the fuck off. Do you even know what a concentration camp is? You sound ridiculous and like a bleeding liberal. Jews were sent to concentration camps to die/forced labor. GITMO is a prisober of war camp that houses these terrorist animals who want to kill us. The only justice they receive is at the end of a rope. If they're are a few who had nothing to do with terrorists acts, then send them home, otherwise, hang them!

Anonymous said...

Why would you be lenient towards someone who is an accessory to one of the most horrific events in U.S. history? He helped makes sure the 9/11 attacks went smooth and killed many people. Is six years enough for this guy? This guy should have been decapitated just like these fuckin' animals these Muslims and Arabs are!

A second part of your stupid writing is the concentration camp. I wonder if you actually know what went on in these camps? Did the U.S. government starve these prisoners to death and then put them to death in ovens, gas chambers? Out of all people, you being Ukranian and having all your ancestors being murdered by the Russians! The government does not murder or work to death their prisoners. You are a fool, oh wait, maybe this is the vision that your buddy Obama wants! You have to keep these terrorists in check, and they have no rights.

Overall, you have no idea what a concentration camp is? Before making a comment like this, DO SOME FUCKIN' RESEARCH! Also, with all the writing you do against the government, maybe you should joih a terrorist organization and protest the United States's policy on handling Islamofascists! See how these Arabs like a white, Ukranian, guy! They will think of you as a Russian and you would be put through hell!

MSC said...

Dear Do Some Fuckin' Research,

The military court specifically ruled that he was not an accessory to 9/11, so maybe you know something that they don't?

Also, anyone who refers to any group as "fucking animals" embodies the same sentiments as those who did run the death camps.

Point is, you do some fucking research, read our constitution, and don't encourage people to join terrorist groups like it is some type of joke (see your comment).

Terrorism is not an acceptable method for change, just as torture is not an effective policy tool.

I am not against our form of government, I just don't care for the way the constitution is being trampled.

Oh, and by the way, I've done a bit of research, and I think your name is actually Phil. :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you know it is me! You are being sympathetic to these terrorists, and it does seem like you want to join them! Also, I refer to these Arabs and Muslims as animals who do terrorist acts! What do you call them, heroes, freedom fighters? If we are not tough on these animals, how will we be protected from these Islamofascists!