
Mark Cuban outs the racists

Today Josh Howard, a Dallas Mavs player, said something pretty stupid.  He said he didn't celebrate the Star Spangled Banner, because he's black.  Obviously, this basketball player has some racial issues of his own to deal with.  However, the reaction to this shows how bad and hateful some people are, which make Howard's comments look like a children's show.

Mark Cuban, owner of the Mavs, received a lot of racially tinged emails, complete with many derogatory terms.  And guess what he did?  He posted those emails to his blog, right here, and he even left their email addresses intact.  So now that Josh Howard has outted himself as being somewhat of a racial bigot, so are the people who went after him.  And that's a good thing.  Our country did not battle Hitler in the 40's so that we could institute his thinking nowadays, whether against blacks, muslims, or anyone else.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was good what Mark Cuban did. I would have done the same thing.

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