
Sarah Palin, Jews, and Jesus

The news never seems to be positive with regards to Sarah Palin.  Yesterday, it was reported that she attended an anti-Jewish sermon by the founder of Jews for Jesus, an oxymoron of a religion.  

Some evangelicals embrace Jewish people, but I suspect they have an underlying motive.  To them, a Jewish person would be the ultimate convert.

Some history: the first Christians were all former Jews, as was Jesus (though I don't think he renounced the religion, just turned into a new one).  The conversion started around this time, AD 025, and eventually Christians gained in numbers.  To someone like the founder of Jews for Jesus, or for Sarah Palin and I suspect most evangelicals, there job will not be done until all of "God's People" are converted to Christianity.  To them, J4J is a good stepping stone in what they feel is the "right" direction.

But it doesn't stop there.  Lots of religions (albeit not Judaism) actively convert people.  David Brickner, the founder of J4J, went a step further by saying that terrorist attacks against Israel is because they have not accepted Jesus and the attacks are God's "judgment of unbelief."

If I were Jewish, I'd stay the hell away from Sarah Palin and look to someone like Joe Biden instead.


Anonymous said...

Jews 4 Jesus is a bullshit group and I agree. I agree with what you said about Jesus as there's a story in which he was involved in trying to form Christianity by faking his death and faking his resurrection. What I don't agree with is what was said about Sarah Palin. I found out through the JDL that Sarah came out and disagreed with what David Brickner said. Her pastor sprung him on the congregation the last minute and said that she thought what he said was ridiculous. I'll say one thing, a lot of Evangelicals like us because they believe that if the Jews take over Israel, Jesus will come in the form of the Messiah and all people will believe in him and convert to Christianity.

Anonymous said...

actually, i don't think jesus intended to form another religion; that came after he died. at the time, he was considered a jew, but an extreme radical.

i dunno, i guess i am apathetic when it comes to religion. i was raised catholic, but as long as you don't kill/steal/lie/cheat and treat others with courtesy like you want to be treated, who cares? in the end, we all decompose anyway.

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