
AIG's executive pay

AIG is going to be paying out over $500M to some of its top employees, according to the Washington Post.

Now, I don't think the government should be regulating industry pay scales*, and I think that it's important to give out bonuses to reward and retain star performers.

However, when it comes to AIG, you have an organization that is receiving $152B in taxpayer aid. This company would have gone under months ago if not for the generosity of Uncle Sam. They made some big mistakes, especially the top management, and to give them this money now is not going to win you the public's trust.

*I think that the government should be able to impose some kind of caps on executive pay for companies it bails out. Only fair. You take taxpayer money, the taxpayers get to decide how it's spent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that the taxpayers should make a decision on how these crooked AIG execs pay people.

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