
Raise the gas tax?

Over at Freakonomics, the guys argue that we need to raise our gas tax to $2.  This would put gas prices around the $3.50-$3.75 mark now, which isn't too bad.  It would allow us to pay for all the true costs associated with vehicles, such as infrastructure, congestion, and pollution.
In this specific case, I think that a gas tax may be needed.


Anonymous said...

I don't think we need anymore taxes. I don't want to pay those high prices for gas again. You're in a good situation. You have good public transportation and live near the Metro station. If you're worried about infrastructure and pollution, sell your SUV and either get a smaller, fuel efficent car or use all public transportation.

MSC said...

But the issue is we need to pay for infrastructure such as roads that are falling apart (look at Detroit). A gas tax is the fairest way, as it charges people who drive more. Don't want to pay gas tax? Then don't drive, it is simple. And the price will go up one way or another. If the tax is high, people will drive less, so the price will stay around $3.50 a gallon. If they don't raise the tax, people will drive more, use more gas, the price will go up, and your money will go to Saudi Arabia.

So, by opposing the gas tax, you're basically saying you'd rather give money to Saudi Arabia than to our roads, bridges, and anti-pollution/alternative energy projects.

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