
Gun laws and crime

A new study has come out that says states with less restrictive gun laws tend to have more gun related deaths and more guns that are used in crime in general, in that state or out.
I'm not going to deny that this is probably true.  If you can't buy a gun easily, you are less likely to use it. 
The study is interest, no matter what you views but I think we should all keep in mind that guns are also used frequently in self defense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That study is a crock. Crime is lower in states with less restrictive gun laws. If everybody who wasn't a criminal owned guns, the criminals couldn't commit their crimes.

Another good saying to remember: If guns were outlawed, would outlaws only have guns?
One more: It's better to have a gun and not need it than need it and not have it (I have a bumpersticker with this saying).

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