
Healthcare workers should not have the right to say no

I'm in full agreement with Ronald Bailey on this issue.

One of Bush's last acts in office is to allow healthcare workers to refuse treatment that they morally object to without losing their jobs. So a Catholic pharmacist could refuse to dispense birth control, or Plan B. This would also allow a nurse at a doctor's office to refuse to help with an abortion.

While at first this issue would appear to be helping individual freedom, it does not. A private employer should have the right to demand that employees perform certain tasks, since those employees can quit at any time. Don't want to dispense Plan B? Then don't become a pharmacist.

Thankfully, soon-to-be President Obama is in agreement with Ronald, me, and the ACLU and will strike this down fairly quickly.

Just another example of the Bush administration mixing church and state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do agree. If someone wants birth control, they should be given it, regardless.

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