
On Phelps

I don't see what Phelps did that was so bad.  There is a picture of him smoking out of a bong.  If only he were as good as all other superstar athletes, like the ones that use steroids, beat their girlfriends, and do all sorts of other things.  How many athletes have been arrested for drunk driving in the past year?  Probably over a dozen.  And that's a lot worse than smoking some marijuana, since they put others in danger, something that it seems Phelps did not do.  

And then there's the issue of his sponsor, but I'll allow Radley Balko to air the grievances on that:
This would be the same company that for decades has been encouraging children to start the day by inhaling sugar by the spoonful. It’s also the company that still proudly bears the name of the man who advocated yogurt enemas and pouring carbolic acid on the clitoris to prevent women from experiencing sexual pleasure.

Yes, it would be a shame to see a 14-time gold medalist’s bong hit tarnish the company’s image.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What he did wasn't a big deal to me but being caught was dumb. He should have done it in a more private area and kicked out all press. Seeing someone smoking a bong pisses off a lot of people and looks bad. He should be smarter about his actions and avoid being caught.