
Movie Review: Milk

Milk is a great film about Harvey Milk, the first openly gay politician in America and possibly the world.  He and the mayor of San Francisco were assassinated in city hall, so as would be expected, this film shows his rise to power and early death. 

It is also a movie that delves into the gay rights movement of the late 70's, and it is sad that things have not changed very much since then.  There are still many ignorant, and bigoted people out there who possess the same backwards views that existed in the time of Harvey Milk.  These are the same assholes that brought us prop 8.  In one scene of the movie, they are discussing how the Nazis took away gay rights in the 30's, and people across the US did it again in the 70s, when anti-discrimination laws were struck down.  

Unfortunately this has happened a lot this decade, with anti gay marriage ballots passing due to the same ignorant people, or perhaps their ignorant children, who fought against Milk.

Regardless of the politics involved, this is a truly great film, and definitely in the top 10 of 2008.