
Steele Under Fire

Michael Steele will probably not last very long as the leader of the GOP, especially after incidents like this:

Republicans always called themselves the "big tent" party, but overtime I have come to completely lose respect for anyone that bears that label.  Here is a list of random groups that seem to have no voice in the republican party:
  • Gay marriage supporters
  • Pro-choice
  • Pro science
  • Non-white people (Steele being the exception, but as noted above that won't last long)
  • Non-religious people


Anonymous said...

Michael Steele definitely made a dumb move. I don't like what he said but I don't think I'd throw him out at this time but that's probably what will happen.

Now, to the people who have no voice, what about Joe Knollenberg whose son is gay; I'm sure there's some pro-choice people who are Republicans, in fact I know one; maybe some pro-Science if theology is tied in; Nonwhites are Alan Keys and a different guy, both are black (maybe you should consider joining the NAACP if you feel this way) and nonreligious is bullshit too. I know someone who's atheist and some other people who aren't extremely religious and are Republican. So most of that stuff said was bullshit.

MSC said...

These people exist in the republican party but they have absolutely no voice. Any pro-choice candidate (Giuliani, Tom Ridge, even Mitt Romney) was destroyed in the primaries.

Alan Keyes is a complete nutjob, his race is not a factor. I think most republicans are even afraid of him.

And religious nuts (evangelical christians and 1 or 2 jews) have run the republican party for the last decade.

Anonymous said...

So, you say 1 or 2 Jews have run the Republican Party for the last decade. Interesting. Maybe we control it just like the United States? What do you think? Do the Jews control everything? I can't wait to hear your response.

MSC said...

Actually what I said was that religious nuts have run the republican party for the last decade, and one or two Jews was included in that. The vast majority are evangelical Christians.

And fortunately no, the Jews do not control the United States and neither do the other religious nuts, at least since Bush has left office. And that's a good thing.

I don't care what religion you are, one bloc of people should not control our country.