
Deeds wins!

Creigh Deeds, who I have supported for the past 6 months, has won the democratic primary for governor of Virginia. This is actually quite amazing, considering that he was down in the polls just a few weeks ago.

He won with close to 50% of the vote in a 3 man race. He is going to face republican Bob McDonnell in the fall election, who he lost to in a race for attorney general a few years ago by 323 votes, the closest in VA history.

This rematch will be in a much more democratic Virginia than that of four years ago, putting Deeds in a good position to win.

Deeds has a remarkable record, which is very moderate. A strong support of gun rights, but also pro-choice and against having the stars and bars on state license plates, he will be a governor that is able to bind Northern and non-northern VA together. Here is a great endorsement by the Washington Post.

1 comment:

Carl said...

He sounds good except for the Stars & Bars thing. That's bullshit. It's VA, let people have them.