
The Supreme Court acted justly in Citizens v. FEC

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is somewhat of a landmark decision.  The Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to restrict campaign spending by corporations.  It seems that many on the left are very angry about this, saying that corporations will run the country.  But I'm sure that unions are just as happy about this, and we all know how they vote.

The bigger picture is that this is a victory for the freedom of speech, and freedom of speech includes paying for that speech.  The government has absolutely no right to tell anyone (or any corporation) how they can donate money to political campaigns.  When speech is restricted in anyway, it brings us down an Orwellian path, in which the government has a bigger role in deciding the type of information that can be disseminated.

In this case, it was about an anti Hillary Clinton movie being banned, but next time it could easily be an anti-GOP movie.  The bottom line is that people deserve to be heard.

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