
Nu-Salt must be happy

Salt is quite the condiment.  There has even been a great book written on its history.  Now the FDA wants to limit it.

So what exactly are they trying to ban?  Sodium chloride, or NaCl which has been used as a food preservative and flavor enhancer for thousands of years.  Empires have been built on salt and it is even the basis for the word "salary".  Sodium, a necessary electrolyte, contributes to hypertension and other disorders in high quantities.  Most Americans eat too much of it.

If sodium levels are reduced, I would assume that most vendors would switch to potassium chloride, KCl, which tastes almost identical to the sodium varietal.  Nu-Salt has been around for a long time with this formulation.

The only downside I can see is from a marketing standpoint.  KCl is one of the ingredients used in the lethal injection cocktail... but that's only when it is injected.  Still, this may worry some people.

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