
Upgrading to Mac OS X Snow Leopard without a CD drive

I just accomplished what I thought was impossible.  Since I found out that the DVD drive in my Macbook no longer works (though it does read CD's), I thought I would not be able to install Snow Leopard.  However, thanks to some online instructions I was able to convince OS X that I was not on a Macbook, but a Macbook Air.  This allowed me to put the OS X Snow Leopard Installation CD into my Windows PC, and install the OS X update over a network connection.  It did take a bit longer, but everything is up and running now.

Here are the steps I followed:

1. Put the Snow Leopard Disc into the Windows PC, and install the CD sharing program.  Enable CD sharing.
2. Go to System Preferences in the Mac and enable CD/DVD sharing
3. Open the terminal and use these commands:

 defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser EnableODiskBrowsing -bool true
 defaults write com.apple.NetworkBrowser ODSSupported -bool true
4. Restart the Mac
5. The Remote Disc should now show up in the finder.  Open it, click on install and proceed as normal.  Note that you CANNOT disconnect either computer during the install.
6. It took about 90 minutes

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