
""Marijuana makes darkies think they're as good as white men"."

-Harry Anslinger

The first "drug czar" and the person that introduced the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act, effectively banning the substance. It'd be like banning Courvoisier today...stupid, stupid & stupid.


Anonymous said...

So what? Marijuana is a drug and should be illegal like the other drugs.

MSC said...

That's one way of looking at it, but considering that its MUCH less toxic than alcohol, nicotine, and most likely caffeine, and that it probably shouldn't have been made illegal in the first place, it's a bad law.

Anonymous said...

marijuana may be less toxic, but look at the animals that are distributing it... it causes people to be lazy and to do dumb things. it is illegal for a reason..people cant handle it being legal. they act retarded and irresponsible enough as it is.

MSC said...

Maybe it causes people to do dumb things, but doesn't alcohol? People handled it being legal for thousands of years (it was used in ancient medicine), until 1937. And I doubt that many more people would do it if it was legal since most people do it anyway. Besides, if people want to be stupid shouldn't that be their choice?

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