
The Wrong Pick

It seems as though Harriet Miers was definitely the wrong pick for the new justice of the SCOTUS.  She graduated from Southern Methodist University, hardly an ivy (or near ivy) league school.  The two other women to sit on the court, Ruth Bader Ginsberg (an awful justice) and Sandra Day O'Connor graduated from Harvard Law school and Stanford Law school respectively.  For a position as high as this, one should demand a top education instead of a law school that leads people to head lottery commissions, as Miers did in Texas. 

This nomination looks to be a kick back to a friend who has helped someone for years.  As White House Counsel, Miers was Bush's closest legal advisor and this nomination is an obvious award for loyalty.

What is most distressing is that nobody knows a thing about Ms. Miers.  Republicans are even attacking her credentials.  Bush should have looked to appoint someone in the tradition of Justice Thomas, the only person on the Supreme Court who receives respect from me.  John Roberts may be in that mold, but I would have much preferred to see Judge Alex Kozinski nominated.

I urge all my readers to write, email, and call their senators in opposition of the Miers nomination.


Anonymous said...

She went to SMU???? Geez. SMU is known here in Texas for being the snobby school - lots of rich kids, but not sure what their specialty is. I suppose he's biased towards Texas, but at least pick someone from the University of Texas. I don't know much about law schools and where they rank, but surely UT ranks much higher than SMU.

Anonymous said...

they have to make the women happy. it was a token gesture so that they cant complain that one of their own isnt being considered.

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