
New Orleans Tax Breaks

Republican lawmakers have decided to make sure that while New Orleans gets "[built] better than before," tax breaks will not cover the rebuilding of the kinds of places that give N.O. it's spirit (pun intended). 
First of all, I'm against government tax breaks.  OK, so I'm really against taxes too, but tax cuts aimed at a specific cause lead to many unintended consequences.  Giving you a tax break for every kid you have causes people to have more of them (it also gives you a bigger welfare check if you're part of that socioeconomic group).  Not to mention that prohibiting certain types of businesses from receiving money is discriminatory. 
Why should the government have to give tax cuts to rebuild New Orleans?  If it's such a great city, with a rich history and lovely people, you'd think that businesses would fighting each other to move there and open shop.  If this isn't the case, maybe New Orleans shouldn't be rebuilt "better than before" as GW wants it to be.  Just because it was there doesn't mean that it needs to be there again.  Let private development choose what to build and where to build it. 
Besides, this law affects massage parlors and casinos.  They should just stop calling them massage parlos and call them brothels again, and that would be one very good way to rebuild New Orleans: legalize prostitution.  Something that you can't find anywhere except the desert of Nevada would be a big draw for the Big Easy.  People would come from all over, conventions would definitely pick up, and New Orleans would retain it's image. 


Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with you. N.O. should not be given any tax breaks. Too many tax breaks are constantly given out.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i'd have to agree about not letting N.O. have tax breaks. they're already costing us enough money...