
The Idiots Who Run Public Schools

A high school student was suspended in Kansas for speaking Spanish to another student in the hallway. 
The principal said: "This is not the first time we have [asked] Zach and others to not speak Spanish at school."
It's not like the kid answered one of his teachers in Spanish, he answered another Spanish-speaking student in Spanish.  I simply can't believe that in 2005 we have teachers telling students that they cannot converse with each other in their native language.  It's a very fascist way to run a school, kind of like the Nazis telling Jews not to speak Yiddish to each other. 
The public school systems in this country have many other problems, but this just underscores the poor way in which they are managed. 


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. That is ridiculous what happened. It's extremely racist and I hope the kid's parents sue the school system.

Anonymous said...

but you know...sometimes you have to speak a different language or use different words for kids because they just don't understand. when my dad's students ask him, "why did you do that?" he replies, "because i'm a dumbass." he's learned that kids don't understand the real answer, i.e. you failed this class too much and we've sent you a ton of notices, so if he says, "i'm a dumbass," they understand.

Anonymous said...

Wel...maybe its time we separate school and state, and let individual parents decide what kinds of schools they want to send their kids to.