
Possession of a Sweet Substance

A 12 year old boy in Aurora, IL has been charged with a felony for possessing powdered sugar at his school. He joked to another student that it was cocaine, he now faces up to 5 years of probation. I've never heard of a more crazy story. We're not just talking about the school sending him home, calling his mom, and telling her that he shouldn't joke about this, we are talking about a taxpayer funded police department going after a pre-teen for carrying dixie crystals.

Here is the number for the police department if you wish to call them: (630) 859-1700


Anonymous said...

I think the charge is okay. Even if there wasn't drugs, to imply that one has cocaine is like one person bringing a toy gun and pointing at someone. Cocaine is a controlled substance and has no business in school. It's also not something to joke about.

MSC said...

1. He's 12
2. There was no cocaine
3. Joking isn't a crime
4. Cocaine shouldn't be illegal in the first place (I understand most of you will disagree with #4, but any of the first 3 make this charge bullshit).

Anonymous said...

Cocaine should be illegal. How dumb is that comment? Thats the price you pay for being a dumb shit. we have gotten to the point now where you have to be careful what you say. Im sorry that you feel cocaine is a joke and that its ok to use, i really am. Cocaine is bad stuff, its killed plenty of people, and its illegal. If you like it so much, go join the Columbian Cartel.

Joking about cocaine is not funny. 12 year old little shits should know better

Anonymous said...

I was not calling you a dumb shit by the way. I was talking about the 12 year old kid. ur entitled to your opinion though.

Anonymous said...

From reading these posts I've come to three conclusions:

A. Carl and Jeff know nothing of cocaine.

B. Carl and Jeff don't get the point.

C. Carl and Jeff seem cranky.

Charging this kid with a felony will surely make him less likely to get involved with drugs later on in life, and I'm sure Aurora, IL is a much safer place because of it. Kudos Aurora!

Anonymous said...

Guilani, myou should go kill yourself. you are a waste of space and a piece of shit

Anonymous said...

Giuliani 2008, go snort more coke and fuck off. You don't know what you're talking about. Thank you Bob of West Philadelphia. Giuliani is a shithead.

Anonymous said...

so i leave for a weekend, you write an apparently controversial entry that sparks a bunch of comments. wassup w/that? :-P i made it back safely, thank god. i was worried there for a bit, since i have no idea how to drive in icy weather...

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