
Name Change Would Dilute History

The Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, VA is considering relocating and dropping the word "Confederacy" from its name. It would most likely rename itself to something more generic, like "Civil War Museum."

Historical revisionism such as this has no place in our society. Some claim that the word "Confederacy" now denotes racism. While the CSA may have had slaves, this was not the only issue separating the South from its Northern neighbor, but I will save that argument for a different post.

Taking Confederacy out of a museum that is associated with the Confederate Whitehouse is ludicrous. It would be like calling a Holocaust Memorial a "World War II" museum. It dilutes history.

Also, the Richmond location is appropriate as this was the main capital of the CSA. Relocating to Lexington, VA would most likely harm Richmond's economy and also separate the Museum from the CSA Whitehouse, leading to less visitors learning about that turbulent time in our Nation's history.

Regardless of your view on the South, anyone with a respect for history should write the Museum and discourage these changes.


Anonymous said...

This is a very bad move to change the museum's name. It's been named this for a long time. Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy and that is what this museum should be called. It should also stay here and not in Lexington. The mayor of Lexington probably won't want it because of the Confederate Flag. As far as I'm concerned, if the Confederate Flag is banned, I hope the Stars and Stripes are banned. The Stars and Stripes represents more racism and tyranny than the Confederate Flag. Deo Vindice!

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with keeping the name Confederacy? I agree, it's a part of history.

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