
A costly win for Obama?

Barack Obama won South Carolina today by a large margin, getting double the vote of Hillary Clinton and 3 times John Edwards's total.  

I believe that this win came at a cost though, as the majority of Obama's votes came from African Americans.  To have a campaign that's focused on saying "race does not matter", race obviously does matter, because Obama would have lost SC if only whites had voted.  I think that this may scare some white voters who planned on supporting Obama.

The next big voting day is Tuesday, Feb 5.  On Super Tuesday states all accross the country will vote.  As many have pointed out, a lot of these states have large Hispanic populations and more than white people, they are generally loathe to support African Americans, a minority that they have been competing with for the #2 spot in America for the last several decades.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bingo! If no blacks voted than Obama would have lost.

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