
A Crusade on the internet

A group calling itself (fittingly) "Anonymous" is engaged in an online battle with the Church of Scientology.  Scientology, as you probably know, is the religion of Tom Cruise and others who believe that humans were created by an alien named Xenu flying in DC-10's who dropped nuclear bombs into volcanoes (if you think I'm making this shit up, check out the links).

This group is attempting to bring down Scientology's website through denial of service (DOS) attacks, which basically means they get a great number of computers to repeatedly try to access the site, which will cause it to overload.

Scientology has pissed off a lot of people lately by suing them for posting their material online, which they claim they hold the copyright.  A thousand years ago people went to the middle east to destroy religion.  Today they launch hackers at a website.  Its interesting to see the evolution of religious conflict.

I have posted one of Anonymous' videos below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is funny. Scientology is weird. The video was funny.

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