
Final Bush State of the Union

Tonight at 9pm is George W. Bush's final state of the union address.

Many pundits feel that this will be his "legacy" speech in which he will reflect upon all of the good that he did for our country in the last 8 years.  That would shape up to be a very small speech.  

Fiscal conservatives, such as myself, who voted for him in 2004 have been deeply disappointed.  

One of the main reasons that I voted for Bush was that I hoped he would free me from the pyramid scheme that is Social Security.  He floated several proposals before the (republican controlled, until 2006) Congress, but they were reluctant to anger the old people, who would probably not have been affected and would be dead before the next election anyway.  So that's 0 for 1 on what's important to me.

The second reason I voted for GWB was the promise he made to simplify the tax code.  This re-engineering did not happen, probably because greedy accountants and H&R Block lobbied to keep the tax code as complex as possible.  The tax code is most likely more complex than it was 4 years ago.  So that's 0 for 2.

Finally, there was some hope that Bush would work to control spending.  The only bit we've seen of that has been him vetoing the health care for kids, which I support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fuck Bush and the Feds. States rights and Ron Paul and the Confederacy is what we need. Deo Vindice!