
State of the Union 2008

I am composing this post while watching the State of the Union, January 28, 2008.

9:04 Bush is introduced to "Madame Speaker" Nancy Pelosi, a deplorable woman.  He dolls out the usual handshakes with the senators who wait a long time to shake his hand.

9:05 Noticed that Barack Obama and Ted Kennedy are seated next to each other.  Kennedy formally endorsed Obama today.

9:09 Bush extolling philosophy of individualism.  "We must trust in the ability of free peoples to make wise decisions and empower them...we must trust people with their own money..."

9:12 He's jumping to the economy pretty quickly.  Tax reliefs and the economy appear to be the big issues tonight.  Already has talked about the impending delays of his tax relief plan in the Senate and encourages them to pass it quickly.

9:15 "Others have said they would glady pay higher taxes, I welcome their enthusiasm.  Let them know that the IRS takes checks and money orders."  The democrats aren't laughing.  It is obvious that he is trying to paint the democrats as the party of taxes (which is partly true) while promising to veto any tax increase (what's new?).

9:16 151 wasteful programs will be eliminated, saving $18B.  Killing medicare would save 100 times that.  

9:17 A promise to veto any bill where the earmarks have not been cut in half.  Cut the pork.

9:18 Wide applause.  Fed agencies will not enforce any earmark that was not openly debated.  Even Obama was clapping.

9:19 Tax free bonds to help refinance mortgages?  First I've heard of this.

9:20 Healthcare - "expand consumer choice, not government control."  Obama isn't clapping.

9:21 No child left behind act is brought up.  Bush claims that test scores are going up, especially blacks and hispanics.  This is because kids are taught the test!  The dems don't seem to like it too much.

9:22 $300M program - Pell Grants for kids.  Sounds like a voucher that doesn't remove money from the public schools.  Bullshit.

9:24 Wants more aid to Colombia, "our friends who fight against terror."

9:26 "emissions free nuclear power" got a mixed response.  Do the democrats not understand that it is one of the cleanest and most efficient sources of power?

9:28 More funding for the skin-stem cells.

9:30 Empower justices who look at what the Constitution says.  Amen!

9:32 Entitlement spending time... "massive tax increases or cuts in benefits" are in our future.  Very true.  

9:34 Secure the borders!!!  Too bad that it doesn't work very well.  Have we really doubled the number of border patrol agents?  I think most of them are in Iraq.

9:36 Democracy throughout the world are not always the best thing.  The Palestinians elected Hamas.

9:37 Definition of terrorist: "Evil men who despise freedom."

9:39 He finally brings up Afghanistan, the forgotten war.  We are sending 3,200 marines there.

9:40 Here comes word of the successes of "The Surge."  

9:42 Results in Iraq?  What results?  Shifting violence?  Chaos in 2 small areas instead of 1 large?

9:44 Al-qaeda's "sanctuaries" in Iraq.  Another link from Al Qaeda to Iraq.  Never existed before we got there.

9:45 He mentioned Osama!!!  I thought this name would not be uttered tonight, as its a major failure to not string him up.  Bush claims Osama says that we are stepping up forces in Iraq and making it difficult.  

9:47 Next phase in our strategy is to partner with Iraq instead of leading.  We will then be the overseers, like a master over his slaves.

9:50 Will a free Iraq necessarily help us?  Will a non-free Iraq be a stage to attack America?  Now comes the part about them following us home.  Some commander in Al-Qaeda said he wants to attack Washington.  What does that have to do with Iraq?

9:51 Calls for a separate Palestinian state by the end of this year.  A democratic Israel and a democratic Palestine.  Probably would be better than the status quo.

9:53 Here comes the call for war with Iran.  According to GWB: they are fucking with us in Iraq, Lebanon, and Israel.  We love your people, but "we will defend our vital interests (oil) in the Persian Golf."  And put a boot in your ass too.

9:55 Bush wants Congress to pass libility protection for companies that help spy on you.  WHAT FUCKING BULLSHIT.  He is saying if Verizon listens in on your call, and you were doing nothing wrong, and because of their listening you get fucked with by the authorities, you can sue NO ONE.  BULL FUCKING SHIT.

"our nation will prosper, our liberty will be secured, and the state of our union will be strong."

Final phrase count:
9/11: 3
Terror/terrorism/terrorist: 19+
Al-Qaeda: 11
Osama: 1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bush is a fuckin' neo con liar and should shut up. Somebody oughta put a boot up his ass. He wants to fight Iraq/Iran, he should suit up and go overseas with the troops.