
It's All Over For Rudy

Rudy Giuliani is all but officially done with his 2008 presidential campaign.  John McCain and Mitt Romney battled for first place in Florida, Rudy's last stand.  He could have tried harder in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and other states.  Instead of getting his foot in the door early, he decided to wait until the door was locked and the race was down to 2-3 candidates, him not included.

It must be especially sad for him to lose in the delegates race to Ron Paul, a man he had fierce differences with early in the campaign.  I guess Ron gets the last laugh.

Unfortunately, Rudy is not done messing up our country.  He is now going to ask his supporters to stand behind John McCain, perhaps the only person who would be a scarier president than Rudy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rudy's dropping out may help McCain a lot. I hope McCain doesn't win or we'll all be screwed.