
Why 2011 might be like 1984

Imagine this: You are walking down a crowded city street, or driving down a major thoroughfare.  Up head you see several police cars and a large line of people.  What is this?  An escaped prisoner?  A DUI checkpoint?  A seatbelt check?  As you get to the front of the line, you are greeted with "your papers, please."  

Welcome to America, 2011.  The REAL ID act is very real, and is going to be implemented for everyone over 50 years old as of 2011, and those over 50 will follow a few years later.  

Despite what the government tells you, carrying around "tamper proof" ID does not make our world safer.  This act was created in response to 9/11 (what else?) and is designed to make sure that any amount of anonymity American's had is gone.

The government (and when I say government, I mean Fed.  Many states are pissed off about the billions of dollars this implementation will cost them) has said that law will require states to verify that anyone applying for a driver's license must prove they have authorization to be in the United States by showing some type of passport, birth certificate, visa, etc.  Many states already do this part.  The next will create a massive federal database of everyone person with a driver's license.  And these special licenses (you will need to visit the DMV soon to get one) will be required for entry into federal buildings or airports (in theory you will not need ID to get on the airplane, but will be subject to an "intense" screening; maybe in Guantanemo).  

How fucking far down this road do we have to go until Joe America realizes that this is complete fascism?  First it was the airplanes.  What if the next terrorist attack is at a shopping mall?  Does this means I will have to show my new Soviet-style internal passport everytime I go to Macy's?!

Does showing ID make anyone safe?  Who is to say that someone with a legitimate ID, who is authorized to be in America, who has lived here for 10 years, is not a member of a fanatical organization?  If someone is on a suicide mission, it does not matter to them if they identify themselves or not.  We are not dealing with DB Cooper here.

I sincerely hope that more states will join Maine and several others in refusing to implement this policy.  Supposedly citizens of those states will not be able to fly.  But if just 1 out of 50 states takes a look at the Fed and flips them the bird, this whole law could go away quickly.  Someone like Ron Paul could be elected president before it is all too late, but I'm scared we might be past that point.

Another good point is that nothing is tamper proof.  Maybe this ID will be as good as anything else the government makes and be full of so many holes that we can all change our name as easily as a visit to Bob's ID Chop Shop.  Who knows what the future holds?

We can still change the outcome.  Visit this site and see if there is something you can do to help.  It is run by the ACLU, one of the only groups that still is vocal about our privacy. http://www.realnightmare.org/

The Nazi's tattooed serial numbers on prisoner's forearms.  Uncle Sam let's you carry yours in your wallet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm totally against this. I don't want to be treated like a concentration camp refugee/gulag refugee. The socialists and pinkos love this. I say: Vote Ron Paul to keep this from happening. If not, maybe it's time the states pulled away from the Union and ran their own affairs. Maybe War between the states #2?

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