
Inside the NFL: RIP

The best sports show on TV has just been axed by HBO.  Inside the NFL, a sports show that has run for 31 consecutive seasons, making it one of the longest running television programs in history, has been cancelled by HBO.  Hosts Bob Costas, Chris Collinsworth, Dan Marino and Chris Carter will have to find work elsewhere on Wednesdays during the season.

As Costas said during the show, this is a "bonehead decision" by HBO.  The NFL has never been more popular and many people I know look forward to Wednesdays to watch the best highlights and best analysis available for football.  Weekly segments with Peter King and other interesting interviews round out the best show on football.

Thus, after many years of subscribing to HBO, I will end my subscription with the conclusion of The Wire, the only other show I watch.  Maybe HBO will change course and come back strong, but this is not likely the case for several years with the shit they put on now.

I will miss INFL and hope that many others will too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have expected shit like this from Showtime. I guess HBO would rather show shitty stuff than good stuff.