
Social Engineering a Restaurant

I eat out often.  Probably about average for Americans, but in general I eat out at a sit-down restaurant at least once a week.  I also like to get a good deal, since restaurants have a huge markup on most food and especially drinks.

If nothing is done wrong for your meal, than you are an asshole for asking the manager for a discount, though it is very possible.  Here are certain situations where you can normally get a discount if you speak up.

1. You are billed for something you did not order.
2. There is more than a 5 minute gap between your food arriving and the rest of your party's food arriving.
3. Food is too cold or otherwise prepared incorrectly (well-done when you ordered medium rare).
4. Service takes much too long in general.

Once you've made up your mind that something has not been done to your satisfaction, here is what you need to do:
1. Tell the waitress you want to speak to the manager.  I have never had them tell me that he was busy or not available.
2. When the manager arrives, remain calm.
3. Tell him exactly what happened, and ask if there's anything he can do to help.

Its that simple.  After completing these steps, I've gotten free desserts, $50 gift cards, free meals, free drinks, etc.

Restaurants that are most vulnerable to this technique (and most likely to screw up) are those that have shared service.  Shared service is when a team serves you and you don't have a dedicated server.  So the person who takes your order does not necessarily serve your food.  You ask one person for a beer, another brings it out.  Lots of room to mess up.  

So speak up, and get a discount.


Anonymous said...

Yep. I speak up when the service gets bad. I hate multiple servers too.

Anonymous said...

ha, see my note from tonight