
Campaign with Dignity, John

Dear John,

It's over.  Anybody who tells you otherwise is either misinformed or delusional.  You are trailing by far too much with only a handful of days left.  You message didn't resonate.  Your VP pick was the last straw.  You ran on 4 more years of republican rule, when the republicans have turned into bigger spenders who have attempted to control the American people more than any other administration in history.  You and your ilk need to be destroyed in the election, and that's about to happen.  My hope is that a limited government, Ron Paul style Republican party will emerge.

So, in these waning days of the race, I urge you to campaign in a way that will make your grandchildren and great grandchildren respect you.  Pull the negative ads.  Focus on helping limited government republicans in house and state legislature races win.  Then you can be remembered as the beginning of the rebirth of the party, not the death.  

Yours truly,
A former republican leaning independent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The race isn't over yet but the letter at the end made some sense.
