
The Last Debate

Last Wednesday's debate was arguably McCain's last stand.  He did well for the first 30 minutes, and then turned into grandpa Simpson for the rest.  He rambled a lot and focused on things nobody cares about, like ACORN.  He also likely alienated 90% of independent women when he mocked "health exceptions" to abortions.  He even used the scare quotes.  Many women had viewed McCain as "pro-life light" before that, but now there is no mistaking that he wouldn't even abort Adolf Hitler.  

I think that overall, the debate went slightly to Obama.  What this means is that McCain has practically zero chances to win this election.  When else will he have a public forum to discuss his views?  Obama is taking out 30 minute ads before the World Series.  McCain could do that, but it would erode what little money he has.  

I think that for McCain to win, Obama will have to mess up in a major way.  That's been McCain's strategy since day one.  McCain never tried to win this election, he just hoped for Obama to lose it.  That hasn't happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think McCain did a great job. He really let Obama have it this time. Hopefully, this will advance him in the polls.

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