
My Auto Bailout Plan

I don't think that Ford, GM, or Chrysler deserve a penny of my money.  Neither do these "small town" likely Republican folks in Ohio.

But in order to feel good about itself, the Congress is likely to pass some kind of monetary aid.  I say: give it to the workers who will lose their jobs when (and not if) one of the small three go under.  

How many jobs are we talking about?  According to CAR, it is 3 million, but the total number of jobs lost permanently is at worst 2 million jobs.  

Now let's take the bailout figure of $25B and divide it among the 2M.  That would give $12,500 to each and every affected worker.  That includes the suppliers though, and dealership personnel.  It is also nearly impossible to prove the exact number.

Since that's too tough, let's just give it to all those who work at the small three directly.  
According to CAR, and this is the best data we have, it is 239,341 hourly and salaried employees.  Now, let's divide the $25B among them.  We get $104,453 per person.  Enough to put food on the table for a year, relocate, and learn a new trade.

So there's my plan.  $105,000 or so per employee of GM, Ford, and Chrysler.  Tax free.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with that. That's fine with me. Unfortunately, these big execs will keep all the money.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I also have to commend you on your love for cats I saw on your Classmates profile! It is so fuzzy how you love Lizzy! Lizzy is something special! When will you post some pictures of Lizzy on your blog? This will show the proof of how much you love Lizzy!

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