
Awaiting Android's release on Sprint

After 7 years as a Verizon Wireless customer, I will likely switch to a near carrier in June, when my contract is up.  Why?  Quite simply, they are not competitive with data plans, nor do they have a phone that carries the operating system I am interested in, Android, by Google.  At first, I considered T-Mobile because their voiceplans are somewhat interesting, and they already have the G1, which I discussed several months ago.  However, their service is still somewhat limited and spotty.  I am looking for at least 700 minutes and unlimited data to share between two phone lines.  With Verizon and T-mobile, that costs $150 a month + fees.

Sprint offers the Everything Plan for about $200, but I don't need unlimited minutes.  So I'll downgrade to their 1500 shared minute plan, with unlimited texts, emails, and web usage for $130 per month.  They also throw in free GPS navigation, something that Verizon charges $10/month for.  Also, unlike the other three carriers, Sprint has their night and weekend minutes start at 7pm, not the usual 9:01pm, so you actually have access to an extra 2400 off-peak hours per month, should you use them.

The phone that will be released is likely a modification the Samsung Instinct, one of the top rated phones on the market today, if you trust CNET (I do).  


∙ josh ∙ said...

Where are you getting $200 for the unlimited plan? It's $99 for unlimited phone, texting, data, picture messaging, gps, everything.... it's their "Simply Everything" plan.


MSC said...

Simply Everything Plan for 2 lines, is approximately $200.

Does anyone know about the quality of Sprint's coverage these days? Back in 2002, I dropped them due to issues, but have heard that they have improved a lot since.

∙ josh ∙ said...

Oops -- missed that part of your blog... "to share between two phone lines."

As for Sprints coverage, I'm sure it depends on where you are located but I'm in the Portland, Oregon area and I have excellent service everywhere! My parents even live out in the country and I get full service out there too. I was a Verizon customer for about 7 or 8 years as well and then switched to Sprint because I was able to get connected with their SERO plan (Sprint Employee Referral Offer - $30 for 500 mins and unlimited data/text).

I've been reading all the blogs and websites lately (because I'm eagerly waiting for the next Android phone or the Palm Pre) and so many people talk badly about Sprint, but I've had nothing but great coverage AND great service when I've talked to them on the phone. So... not sure what everyone is talking. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky few, or maybe people are just angry? lol. not sure.

Have you seen the Palm Pre though? It's pretty slick. I have a Palm Centro right now (running on the old Palm system obviously) and I'm debating between the new Pre and the upcoming Samsung Android phone. I guess I will have to wait until more info on the Samsung is released before I make my final decision though.

It's an exciting year for cell phones!

MSC said...

I've seen the palm pre and it looks interesting, but I would rather have an Android phone. The main reason for this is that I use Google for almost everything.

When the iPhone first came out, I wanted one as I am a Mac fan, but after seeing the pricing I was turned off. I considered Blackberry, but would rather just wait on an Android phone. I think Verizon may have one, but their pricing is not competitive for data.

Here's a breakdown of what I've experience in terms of call quality with various carriers (years that I had them included since things have gotten better).

1998-1999: Sprint PCS. This was the first "all digital" network, and coverage was not very good.
1999-2000: Omnipoint, which became Voicestream, which is now T-mobile: slightly better coverage than Sprint but truly awful call quality. Service would cut out for hours at a time.
2000-2002: Sprint again. Coverage was decent in major cities, but in more rural areas was non-existent.
2002-now: Verizon. Works everywhere, but their plans are uncompetitive which is why I'm considering the switch.

Anonymous said...

I see why'd you consider the switch but I still like Verizon. I know you're more high tech than me, so that's understandable.

∙ josh ∙ said...

I'm a heavy Google user as well (email, search, calendar, chat) and from what I've read the Pre's "Synergy" feature and the fact that the phone is Web based means everything will all be automatically synced. The Pre's automatically pulls in your google calendar, contacts, chat contacts, emails, etc. If you update your gmail contact on the Pre it updates it with Google as well. If you update something on your Pre's google calendar, it updates it live on the Google website as well... and vice versa.

I do like the openness and all the apps with the Android though. Palm is going to have apps for the Pre as well, but none of have been released or published yet.

Sprint does have a 30 day return policy for new activations and upgrades. You could always get the new Samsung Android and drive everywhere you normally would during that month and test it. If you aren't happy with the service, return it and only pay for your minutes used.

MSC said...

I hadn't considered the Pre too much, but read up some more based on your comments. It looks very promising. I wonder what the cost will be vs. the Android phone.

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