
The Revolution in IA

Ron Paul beat Rudy Giuliani in the Iowa caucuses.  With 10% of the vote, Ron Paul was merely 4% away from 3rd place.  This great showing proves that Ron's message of freedom is a popular one.  Time will tell on how he does in New Hampshire. 

Some people commented that it is disappointing that Ron Paul finished in 5th place.  I think that with the narrow margins separating him from McCain and Thompson, this was a victory, especially considering that he beat the former front-runner (Giuliani).

Moving on to the bigger picture, it is shocking that Obama beat Hillary by 9%.  While Obama has never made this campaign about race, it says something when a mixed raced person can win in a state that is very white and conservative.

And Mitt Romney.  Talk about a disappointment. 


Anonymous said...

and how did duncan hunter do? LOL. is that even a presidential candidate? i don't even know...

Anonymous said...

Go Ron!